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The ultrasonic diagnostics of all parts of bodies in sanatoria of the Sverdlovsk region

13 октября 2011. Разместил: Oxana

The sanatorium «Pure key» is a modern medical-improving complex where you can take place the diagnostic program from ultrasonic research (ultrasonic) of kidneys and a bladder to heart, vessels of a head and extremities.

All kinds of treatment are carried out by the highly skilled and sympathetic medical staff and the best experts of a city such as the urologist, the endocrinologist, the cardiologist, the neurologist, and the accoucheur-gynecologist.     

In sanatorium «Pure key» you can pass preventive maintenance and improvement such diseases as  the deseases of bodies of cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, digestive organs, urinogenital system, nervous system, the oporno-impellent device.  

Duration of the program is calculated for the term from 7 till 21 days. And there is the medical course of treatment  with a food but  without residing for all visitors.



If you want to book a tour to the health spa "Pure key" you should call our company 8 (3452) 52-12-30, 52-15-68

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